AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWSCloud Computing

Friday, February 9, 2024

Why I Chose AWS

When it comes to cloud computing, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is undoubtedly a leader in the industry. I opted to delve into AWS for several reasons:

1. Abundance of Resources: There is a plethora of AWS resources available, including YouTube videos, blogs, tutorials, and official documentation. This wealth of information made it an attractive choice for me to learn more about cloud computing.

2. Industry Dominance: AWS holds a significant market share in the cloud computing space. Acquiring AWS skills can open up numerous career opportunities and enhance my professional profile.

3. Relevance to Cloud Practitioner Certification: Aspiring to obtain the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification, I saw AWS as the logical choice for gaining foundational knowledge and understanding of cloud concepts.

Materials I Used

To navigate through the vast landscape of AWS services and concepts, I utilized a combination of official AWS resources and supplementary materials:

- AWS Training and Certification: I followed the official AWS Cloud Practitioner Learning Path provided by AWS Training and Certification. This comprehensive path covers key topics such as AWS Cloud economics, AWS global infrastructure, and essential AWS services.

- Online Courses and Tutorials: I supplemented my learning with online courses and tutorials from platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and A Cloud Guru. These resources provided practical demonstrations and hands-on labs to reinforce theoretical concepts.

- Official Documentation: The AWS documentation served as a valuable reference guide, offering in-depth explanations, code samples, and best practices for AWS services.

My Approach to Certification

Achieving AWS Cloud Practitioner certification required a structured approach and dedicated study plan:

1. Complete Official Training Path: I diligently followed the AWS Cloud Practitioner Learning Path, covering each module thoroughly and completing associated exercises and quizzes.

2. Take Detailed Notes: I took detailed notes while studying, summarizing key concepts, terminology, and best practices. These notes served as a valuable reference guide for revision.

3. Practice with Sample Questions: To gauge my understanding and familiarize myself with the exam format, I practiced with sample questions from official AWS practice exams and reputable online platforms.

Remember to stay focused, keep practicing, and don't hesitate to seek assistance from the vibrant AWS community.